
The Flavorist (Tweaking tastes and creating cravings) — 3 Comments

    • You have enough styompms to justify a visit to a doctor. While we here on answers have all the answers the only one to tell you is a doctor. Low blood sugar in me causes much irritation, very tired and split vision(eyes are not in sinc). High blood sugar(same as untreated diabetic) blurry vision, very tired, sluggish, excessive hunger and extreme thirst(and going to the john too ofter) Hypoglycemia can lead to diabetes. Was this answer helpful?

      • Hey, there.Craving sugar when you first wake up can be caused by a nubemr of factors. Here’s a few to keep an eye out for and what to do about them.1) Don’t eat a large, sweet dessert before going to bed. This causes a sugar rush (even if you are tired enough to fall asleep without problems) that causes your body to sleep fitfully. When you do this, you’re exhausting yourself more throughout the night by fighting sleep. You never enter the REM stage of sleep and when you wake up your body knows from experience that sugar will give it the boost it needs. This causes you to overeat. What to do avoid sweet desserts at night such as Ice Creams, Cakes, PB J’s, sodas, even pretzels, chips, etc. It would be best to eat a light dinner instead of a heavy carb dinner, also so not a whole plate of pasta or mashed potatoes, etc. Have the heavy meal or dessert with lunch and eat something light for dinner and evening dessert. Fish, veggies, chicken, soup and eat something for dessert with natural sugars if you have a sweet tooth. A piece of fruit, fruit with a little honey drizzled on top, or some ricotta cheese with splenda and vanilla or banana or chocolate extract (they come in all flavors!)The natural sugars of fruit are slow released because of the fiber from that fruit and leave you feeling less hungry in the morning.2) Drink water when you first wake up. Often times we confuse hunger for thirst and when foods aren’t satisfying the hunger (because we are actually thirsty) we turn to sweets. Sweets are a drug to the brain and make us temporarily happy so we ignore the original hunger’ which is actually the need for water. Crazy bodies we have, huh?3) Cut back on the refined sugars throughout the day the more we have the more we want. ESPECIALLY sodas if you drink them even diet. The caffeine causes an energy boost the same as sugar and our body doesn’t know the difference between sugar and caffeine and is more likely to make us crave sweets for the energy if it is hooked on caffeine. Also, try whole grain pastas and bread and don’t get rid of the potatoes just cut back on them and fill up with veggies instead.4) The others here are correct you might have a form of Insulin Resistance (that shows in many forms) and if modifying the things above or cutting out sugars (but only the refined ones!! fruit is good for you!) doesn’t help chat with your doc. There may be something else going on.Also .without getting too personal .is this always or have you noticed it is near when you have PMS? Because, at least for me and most of my friends, the further away from our teenage years we get the crazier the symptoms get as far as wanting to eat anything not nailed down until we finally eat the right thing’ that we seem to be craving. For some of us that’s salt; for some sugar. For me anything, everything as long as its edible!! And, if that’s the case, that just takes will power because nothing going to stop it!! Good luck!!

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